So I've always prided myself on being a good driver. I've never been pulled over (or should I say I've never received a ticket), never been in an accident and never run out of gas. My husband has done two of the three, so I have always been so proud that my record was spotless, to say the least.
Until recently.
That's changed.
A few weeks ago my sister asked me to play softball up in Milwaukee with them. They have a co-ed team made of doctors and their wives (appropriately named "Scrubs"). They were short a few players, so I decide why not...I don't know any of them, so I can make a fool of myself.
Needless to say, I got two hits, was on base several times, and actually played okay. Pat on the back for me. So the following week I decided to go back for another round. I was now their star female player and could make any play in right field. Right.
*Side note* Didn't have the best game that week (and the BIL...has not asked me back. Wonder why?).
The reason I didn't have a good game is all blamed on what happened beforehand. I had a little bit of a stressful day and was going to be getting on the road a little late. My Honda had 1/4 of a tank left...plenty to get to Milwaukee.
On the way up I called our sitter for next year. We can talk and talk when we get started. Love her! So I got her started on some conversation and I was just listening when my car started to jerk funny. That's odd. Mike and I had just been talking about "cash for clunkers" and thinking how we should ditch both our 1998's. I pulled to the side of 294 just in time for my car to die. Great.
Said a little pray (while still on the phone) and thankfully it started. Alrighty then. Kristy was still talking away when less then 2 minutes later the same thing happened. Mind you, I had a 1/4 of a tank and no gas light!
Long story short, after a good freak out, about 40 calls to my sister who was not answering the phone, and 50 crying to my husband. Jan and Ry came to rescue me!
Thankfully, it was just needing gas and not something else. If only I could get over the embarrassment.
Lesson learned: Always keep your tank ABOVE the half way mark.
How about you? Any embarrassing things happen to you lately?