I've never really been one for New Year's resolutions. I say that most likely to make myself feel better since I always make them, but never really keep them. Isn't that the point of making them in the first place?
On New Year's day, Mike and I sat down and decided what our goals were for our family. We did not agree on all of them...but did get a few of them accomplished. I went as far as to make them for my children. Is that weird? Asher's goal (that he made himself of course) include being potty trained, attending preschool in the fall, and learning basic chores around the house like making his bed in the morning. He even told me that he wanted to start on the cello (with NO coaching from me of course). Avery even took the time to make her own too (isn't she a brilliant 16 month old?). She would like to work on potty training by Christmas next year, recognize her letters, and be nicer to her brother. Okay, after typing all this I feel like one of those crazy mothers, but oh well. My children will be accomplished (right...).
Now for my resolutions....drum roll please:
1. Get into the Word daily, even if just for a few minutes.
2. Lose 35 pounds.
3. Slow down.
For all those that read my blog (which is probably no one since I NEVER update), I am hoping that you will keep me accountable to my resolutions this year. The first resolution I am making is to lose weight. I know that I have made this one MANY times over, but I am officially on board since my time at the gym. I was rocking it out running on the treadmill when I caught a glimpse of something that was also running in the mirror. In my mind I thought, "It's a great thing that person is here...check out that big butt." Well, you guessed it...it was MY big butt running on the treadmill. That is when, while wiping away a tear (that I can't have chocolate anymore), I vowed to KEEP my resolution. This officially means that you all have the permission to say to me "Hey big butt, get to the gym." Enjoy it while you can...hopefully by this summer I'll be down 35 pounds and you won't be able to say that! On the bright side, I'll be able to fit into all my clothes from before having Asher, although they are probably out of style now.
I am also hoping to slow my life down some, which I think will help with my other goals. I am someone who thrives on getting things accomplished, being apart of activities, and seeing end results. I love everything I do, but I love my family and sanity more. After a crazy month of December, which included singing at church every weekend and Christmas Eve, going out of town for a conference for a week, Christmas shopping, traveling, and directing the school play of Snow White, I have had it. Thankfully I've had the last two weeks at home with my children to slow down and just be there for them. Mike and I were able to come up with several ideas on how I might be able to work part-time or just teach several lessons a week for some extra money. Please pray that this might work out so I can slow my life down and really put more time and investment into my children. I know that I am not one to be cut out for staying at home full time, but if I honestly feel that this is what the Lord wills for right now, then who am I to say otherwise. I know that this will all work out in the end the way it should whether or not I work...I just need to learn the work NO. Maybe that should be resolution number four.
Hope you all had a fabulous holiday season...pictures to come soon.